This issue highlights the amazing work of SPS chapters worldwide, from outreach and hands-on projects to professional development and community impact!
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Volunteer at Astronomy on the National Mall in Washington, DC prepares telescope for participant observing during annual outreach event.
The SPS Observer
Each issue of The SPS Observer includes interesting feature articles, advice from experienced voices, chapter and zone activities, physics problems, society news, announcements, and meeting notes from SPS reporters.
Radiations is the official publication of Sigma Pi Sigma, the physics and astronomy honor society. Each issue includes feature articles, chapter and society news, and member spotlights.
Huber presenting his research at the 2016 Quadrennial Congress of Sigma Pi Sigma (PhysCon) in San Francisco, California. Photo courtesy of Rhodes College.
The Journal of Undergraduate Research in Physics and Astronomy (JURPA) is a peer-reviewed publication devoted to reports authored by undergraduates in physics, astronomy, and related fields.
Hidden Physicists
Hidden Physicists
Hidden Physicists
Hidden Physicists
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