Physics and Astronomy Congress
PhysCon 2022 Events

Support Future Physicists and Astronomers

Your generosity is a driving force that inspires students.
Advisors, students, & professionals
Undergraduate Attendees
Physical Scientists
Colleges & Universities

Become A Sponsor

The Congress is a special opportunity to meet and connect with the most enthusiastic and motivated physics and astronomy students from hundreds of colleges and universities — all in one place!

Download our impact brochure to learn how past Congresses have made a difference in students’ lives, and keep reading to learn how your sponsorship can make an impact.

Download Sponsorship Packet (.pdf, 5 mb)

Students and exhibitors are speaking to each other in the PhysCon exhibit hall.

Join Our Exhibit Hall

Check out options to exhibit in Denver, Oct. 30 - Nov. 1, 2025.

Make An Impact

It can cost $500 to $1,000 for US students to attend the Physics and Astronomy Congress, and international students can expect to pay a few hundred dollars more. Fundraising goes a long way toward making this life-changing experience accessible to all, and your sponsorship can significantly add to students efforts.

You Make It Possible

Sponsor Sigma Pi Sigma’s 2025 Physics and Astronomy Congress

“At the 2022 Physics Congress, we asked people from nearly 125 chapters, “What is SPS for you, in five words or less?”

“SPS is a sense of family and belonging to a student from the University of Wisconsin - River Falls …. To a member from the University of Puerto Rico, SPS is an inclusive and supportive community. … A Randolph College student thinks of SPS as a place to find fun, friends, and inspiration. … Many students called SPS a supportive community, and many called it home. And, of course, some said that it’s a group of funny, nerdy physicists.

“Their answers show that SPS is not just an organization; many people think of it as a family. … SPS is not just a place to share your work, it’s a place to share love and life.”

— Zahin Ritee, Matthew Gootman, Kyle Cash, Evan Moore, and Kylie Goldade, SPS Reporters, Adelphi University
  • But perhaps most importantly, at the Physics Congress I connected with some of the best and brightest of the first generation that went to college on Zoom; and the generation that will be on the business end of climate change. We face problems that, left unexamined, will reshape humanity for the worse. PhysCon reminded me, and I hope this reminds all of you, that no generation is better equipped to face those problems than ours.
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    Aidan Keaveney, Appalachian State University, AZC and SPS Executive Committee 2022-23
  • PhysCon was a great platform to get to know the greater physics community in the US and to learn from many like-minded scientists. The graduate school panel was an important opportunity for me as an undergraduate physics student to find out about many graduate school options. I also had an awesome time catching up with my SPS intern friends from summer 2022!
    Gizem Dogan.jpg
    Gizem Dogan, SPS Intern 2022 and 2023
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