Physics and Astronomy Congress

Fundraise Your Way to Denver

It can cost $500 to $1000 for US students to attend the Physics and Astronomy Congress, and international students can expect to pay a few hundred dollars more. Chapter fundraising goes a long way toward making this life-changing experience accessible to all. Download our impact brochure to learn how past Congresses have made a difference in students’ lives, and keep reading to learn how other chapters made their way to the event.

Set Your Goal

It’s never to early to start fundraising! The more time you have, the easier it will be. Saving a little each month over a long time helps. Begin by gauging how many people in your chapter want to attend. Once you have a rough estimate, use our fundraising calculator to find out how much it will cost to get your chapter to Denver.

Food is always a big draw, and an easy option is a build-your-own nacho bar with all the fixings!
Design and sell custom shirts to raise funds for your trip.

Offer to complete household chores in exchange for donations from local community members.
Partner with a local venue to host a trivia night and earn a share of the proceeds.
Host an community event featuring talks from local scientists, physics demonstrations, and a laser light show.
Have students pay to smash a whipped cream pie in a (willing!) professor’s face. Great for Thanksgiving or Pi Day!
Many professional sports teams let groups work shifts at their concessions stands to raise funds.
Offer free drop-in tutoring services and collect donations or charge for extended hours.
Purchase pizzas and drinks in bulk and sell them at a markup. Especially popular during finals period.
Have donation jar at all chapter events. Make sure it’s easy to find and explain how the funds will be used.

Tap Into Your Institution’s Resources

Request special allocation funds through your student government. Plan at least one year out. Ask college administration members to match funds (see this sample letter). Begin the process before the start of your school’s fiscal year. Ask your school’s alumni office about any donors who might be willing to contribute. Reach out to your school’s development or corporate partnerships office about any organizations or companies that might be willing to sponsor you.

Apply for an SPS Chapter Travel Award

SPS also will be sponsoring chapter travel awards, which will be available in fall 2024. They are used to pay for attendees’ hotel rooms. A limited number are available for research presentations, art exhibitions, and meeting reporters.

Other Advice

Pace yourself. Set tangible goals over several semesters and stick to your plans. Stay organized. Appoint a treasurer to keep track of money. Get a cash box and set up an account with your school or a local bank. Communicate. Report your successes back to your chapter! As the Congress approaches, share the final cost per student and set a due date for students to have their funds. Get ready to go! Have the SPS chapter purchase registrations around February 2025.

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