Letter from the Editors
“The mere formulation of a problem is often far more essential than its solution, which may be merely a matter of mathematical or experimental skill. To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle requires creative imagination and marks real advances in science.” —Albert Einstein

Brad R. Conrad, Photo courtesy of SPS National Office.
The Society of Physics Students, which is supported by the American Institute of Physics (AIP), is proud to produce the Journal of Undergraduate Reports in Physics (JURP). JURP launched in 1981 out of Guildford College, then called the Journal of Undergraduate Research in Physics, as a publication dedicated to sharing the research pursuits of undergraduates in physics, astronomy, and related fields. JURP’s founder, Dr. Rexford Adelberger, described its origins in Volume 10:
The research projects that most undergraduate students can complete during their brief stay at college seldom met the rigorous requirements of [professional journals]. This does not mean that the work lacked new physics and clever insights, it was just not of the scope expected of people whose profession is to do research in physics. Yet, we were convinced that the learning and rewards that come from writing up the research in a professional manner and learning to communicate using the professional media had a definite place in the undergraduate program of study in physics.
Undergraduate research and scholarship are the bedrock of physics and astronomy education and indispensable tools for deep learning. As Einstein alluded to in his statement above, physics is not necessarily about reaching a solution or a final value but the process of exploring the problem itself. Sharing that exploration is an essential part of being a scientist. We must learn from each other to advance. JURP provides an outlet for undergraduates to participate in this vital process.
There is no cost to publish in JURP beyond an SPS membership. All papers are peer reviewed by experts, and published papers are given a DOI by AIP Publishing. Print copies of JURP are sent to all SPS members each summer, and the articles are also published and archived online. As you reflect on your summer research experience or begin a new project in the coming year, keep JURP in mind. We would love to share your work in the 2023 issue. You can learn more about the JURP submission process at www.spsnational.org/jurp.
Communicating research is an integral component of scientific inquiry and a linchpin of the discipline. We hope you enjoy this issue, learn from your colleagues, and are inspired to contribute if you so desire. There is so much fun to be had! //
JURP is no small effort and takes a team of writers, reviewers, and editors to realize. SPS National would like to extend a special word of appreciation to Dr. Will Slaton of the University of Central Arkansas for his steadfast commitment to the journal and willingness to review and provide meaningful feedback on all submissions. We would also like to thank our reviewers for providing invaluable support and feedback to JURP authors.