Kendra Redmond
Current Positions
Kendra Redmond is a freelance science writer and editor specializing in the physical sciences. After earning a master’s degree in physics, she spent 10 years in the Washington-DC area coordinating national science education and outreach programs, including for the Society of Physics Students. She now writes about science news, scientists, happenings in the science community, and science history for a variety of outlets. She is the editor of the SPS Observer and Radiations magazine.
SPS Alumni Information
SPS Chapter: Carthage College
Kendra Redmond is available for student engagement in the following categories: mentoring, in-person speaker, virtual speaker, job shadowing. Send a request using this form
Alum Location: Bloomington, Minnesota
Education Level: Masters
Disciplines: other
Job Sector: Self-employed
Recent Position: Self-employed
Job Description: I write about physics and astronomy research news for the blog Physics Buzz and about materials research news for the Materials Research Society. I am also the editor of the SPS Observer and Radiations magazine, which involves planning issues, working with authors, writing stories, and editing text for the magazines. I spend a lot of time reading journal articles, interviewing scientists, and trying to figure out how to explain technical advances in engaging, meaningful ways.
Alumni Website: http://www.kendraredmond.com/