Outreach Demonstration Guide: Gravitational Waves in Jello
JUL 03, 2019
Movement of massive objects in space create gravitational waves that travel outward in spacetime and bend light along the way. We detect these waves by using lasers and watching changes in how light moves through space. This demo uses clear jello and a laser to show how collisions create ripples that radiate outward from the source, which are able to bend light.

Looking for a new demonstration for an outreach event? Or want to jump start your chapter on outreach? These demonstrations have been developed by SPS to help you make a difference in your local communities. Each demonstration includes parts lists, instructions, key physical concepts to explain, and demonstration videos, where appropriate.
High School (ages 14+)
Middle School (ages 11-13) & General Public
10 - 20 min
Level of Difficulty:
Level 2