Welcoming Sigma Pi Sigma Back to Campus

Clemson’s SPS chapter and members of its graduate student association enjoy a fun night at the movies. Photo courtesy of the chapter.
During a regular cleanup, David Sanders, president of Clemson University’s SPS chapter, stumbled across a dusty box in the lounge labeled “Sigma Pi Sigma.” Upon opening it, he found a set of pins with “ΣΠΣ” on them. He asked the chapter’s then SPS president what they were, but she had no idea. “I think they’re from an organization we had a long time ago,” she said. That answer didn’t satisfy Sanders, so as any scientist would, he dug deeper.
Sanders soon rediscovered the physics and astronomy honor society and wanted to bring the prestigious organization back to Clemson. He emailed the SPS office for help, and within the day, Brad Conrad, director of SPS and Sigma Pi Sigma, responded with the paperwork and a list of things to do. “We will be in touch with your advisor, and then we will figure the rest out from there,” he told Sanders.
After the t’s were crossed and the i’s dotted, Clemson’s Sigma Pi Sigma chapter was officially revived. It had been a ten-year hiatus.
Conrad was thrilled. “Undergraduate student groups like Sigma Pi Sigma and SPS are integral to the success of a student’s career,” he says. “When students pick up the mantle of leadership, they support each other and future generations of students. Each year of initiates is a resource for all of the physics and astronomy students to come.”
The chapter hopes to expand and build strong relationships with other Sigma Pi Sigma chapters. The students want their chapter to feel like part of the bigger network of Sigma Pi Sigma chapters and members, which they can tap into to learn, grow, and find collaborators.
The physics students have great expectations for their chapter and plan to build on this initial momentum. “It will take years to get where we want to go, but we have a great group of undergraduates behind us to carry the torch once we seniors graduate,” says Sanders.
Chad Sosolik, Clemson’s Sigma Pi Sigma advisor, is poised to aid in their mission. “He has always been there to support us, even when we come to him with our crazy ideas,” Sanders says. When a new idea hits, Sosolik humors the students, talks through the idea with them, and helps them plan a few experiments to see whether it’s crazy or they are really onto something, according to Sanders.
When it comes to the honor society, the students plan to build something lasting. If all goes well, Clemson’s Sigma Pi Sigma chapter won’t be relegated to a forgotten box gathering dust ever again.
Editor’s Note
In last fall’s Chapter Spotlight, we inadvertently swapped the photos of two of Sigma Pi Sigma’s newest chapters. Our sincere apologies to the chapters at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and Saint Mary’s College - Notre Dame. We are so happy that you are part of the society!

Saint Mary’s College - Notre Dame (IN)

University of Alabama at Birmingham