
Students, Industry, and the Zone 7 Meeting

MAR 13, 2025
SPS Chapters on Professional Development
SPS Members, Kettering University B

What does physics have to do with industry? The Spring 2024 Zone 7 Meeting at Kettering University in Michigan set out to explore that question.

The Zone 7 Meeting was held jointly with the meeting of the Eastern Great Lakes Section of the American Physical Society, enabling students to interact with professional physicists and take advantage of additional resources. More than 30 undergraduates from 13 chapters attended.

The meeting featured five invited speakers who presented on topics from quantum materials to physics education. A highlight was hearing from Fermilab’s Quinn Peterson, a Kettering University alum. He worked several co-op terms at Fermilab before becoming a mechanical design engineer for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE).

Many students presented posters or talks at the meeting, and there was a nice banquet featuring a talk by Sean Wagner, a researcher at General Motors Global Research & Development. Another highlight was a lively game night with plentiful snacks.

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