Zone Meeting Highlights: Zone 7
Attendees made liquid-nitrogen ice cream, enjoyed talks such as Renee Ludham’s presentation about active galactic nuclei, and observed the sun through telescopes. Photos by Rachael Merritt.
The physics department at Wayne State University in Detroit had the privilege of hosting a SPS meeting for zone 7 in March. About 20 students attended, representing four universities. Many great presentations were given by professors and students. In between the presentations, lunch and a solar telescope activity acted as breaks during which attendees mixed, talked, and got to know each other. An undergraduate research panel was held. The panel gave great advice to students on very important topics, including the act of balancing schoolwork and research, the qualities that professors look for in Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) candidates, and other topics.
Meeting other physics students and sharing our experiences made the meeting worthwhile for us as hosts and a day to remember. It was great to hear about the interests and experiences of students at other universities. All in all, it was an awesome day for zone 7 of the Society of Physics Students. //