
What is SPS?

MAY 01, 2023
Zahin Ritee, Matthew Gootman, Kyle Cash, Evan Moore, and Kylie Goldade, SPS Reporters, Adelphi University


At the 2022 Physics Congress, we asked people from nearly 125 chapters, “What is SPS for you, in five words or less?”

SPS is a sense of family and belonging to a student from the University of Wisconsin - River Falls who loves science and wants to inspire kids to go into STEM. To a member from the University of Puerto Rico, SPS is an inclusive and supportive community. A biophysicist from the University of Maine sees SPS as a local network for physics undergraduates, while two students from Rhode Island mentioned that SPS means “being a shark and a spherical cow.” A Randolph College student thinks of SPS as a place to find fun, friends, and inspiration. A student interested in space physics from Memphis, Tennessee, says that SPS means “Go big or go home.” Many students called SPS a supportive community, and many called it home. And, of course, some said that it’s a group of funny, nerdy physicists.


Adelphi University’s SPS reporters. Photo courtesy of the reporters.

Their answers show that SPS is not just an organization; many people think of it as a family. The fun facts or struggles that other people don’t usually get―everyone here gets them. SPS is not just a place to share your work, it’s a place to share love and life. A student from the George Washington University gave a wise answer, saying “SPS is everything to me!”

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