
The Grad School Issue: Start here

SEP 01, 2023
Brad Conrad headshot
Director of the SPS and Sigma Pi Sigma AIP

Thinking about what comes after your bachelor’s degree can be a lot. Like, a lot a lot. Graduate school is a common next step and might be an ideal step toward launching your dream career or even saving the world. Then again, it might not be. Going right into the workforce is a common next step too, and might launch you into your world-saving, dream career. Physics and astronomy set the stage for so many exciting career paths. But exploring the breadth of options and deciding whether to go to grad school can feel overwhelming.

This issue of the SPS Observer, created in collaboration with


Credit: XKCD, xkcd.com/1346.

Careers are not destinations but journeys with twists and turns and surprises. As you choose your adventure, do some soul-searching about what makes you happy and how your career can make the world a better place. Break down the process into small, digestible chunks.

If you read through this issue and decide that grad school isn’t for you, that’s time well spent. Turn your attention to exploring the many career options that don’t require a grad degree. To learn more about them, check out the SPS Careers Toolbox at


Brad Conrad

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