SPS Chapters on Hands-On Projects

After spending a month building hobby rockets, University of Northern Iowa SPS members launch them on campus.

SPS members at Northern Virginia Community College win the state championship in the computer science category of SkillsUSA, a competition held by industry professionals in many technical and vocational fields.

During Bethel University’s SPS chapter Christmas party, a team prepares to build the tallest structure using one sleeve of graham crackers.

On Pi Day, Union University’s SPS chapter hands out the 300 cupcakes they baked and iced with the first 300 digits of pi.

Southern Adventist University physics students take a break from building an ion beamline on campus.

Students at the Citadel show off their work during an end-of-term SPS project expo.

Lycoming College SPS members take a break from stargazing through telescopes to enjoy the campfire during a camping trip.
All photos courtesy of the SPS chapter’s 2022–23 annual report.