Spring 2014-15 Award Recipients
SPS internships are awarded on the basis of collegiate record, potential for future success, SPS participation, and relevant experience. Interns are placed in a variety of organizations and work on research, policy, or education projects. See the interns’ profiles and blogs at: www.spsnational.org/programs/internships
Agnes Scott College
Project: History of Women and African Americans in the Physical Sciences
Host: American Institute of Physics
Sonoma State University
Project: Bringing Physics to the Public
Host: American Physical Society
Vassar College
Project: AIP Mather Policy Intern
Host: US House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce
Union College
Project: SPS Science Outreach Catalyst Kit and NIST
Host: SPS and National Institute of Standards and Technology
Ball State University
Project: AAPT/PTRA Teacher Professional Development Intern
Host: American Association of Physics Teachers
Salisbury University
Project: Solid State Protein Sensor
Host: National Institute of Standards and Technology
Claremont Colleges Joint Science Department
Project: Following Eta Carinae Across Periastron
Host: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center
Lebanon Valley College
Project: SPS Science Outreach Catalyst Kit and NIST Institute for Middle School Science Teachers
Host: SPS
Drexel University
Project: History of Women and African-Americans in the Physical Sciences
Host: American Institute of Physics
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Project: AIP Mather Policy Intern
Host: US House of Representatives Committee on Science, Space, and Technology
Sonoma State University
Project: Detecting Cosmic Microwave Background Polarimetry
Host: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center
Juniata College
Project: Solid State Protein Sensor
Host: National Institute of Standards and Technology
Awards are made to individuals for outstanding research conducted as an undergraduate. Recipients represent the United States and SPS at the International Conference of Physics Students and receive $500 for themselves and $500 for their SPS chapters. Learn more at: www.spsnational.org/awards/outstanding-undergraduate-research
Amanda Landcastle
The College at Brockport: SUNY
Point Contact Spectroscopy: An Undergraduate Investigation into Superconductivity and Quantum Criticality
Ariel Matalon
University of Chicago
Development of a Prototype for a Fluorescence Detector Array of Single-Pixel Telescopes
Several awards of up to $2,000 or more are made each year to individuals showing excellence in academics, SPS participation, and additional criteria. Learn more and see photos and bios of the recipients at: www.spsnational.org/awards/scholarships
SPS Outstanding Leadership Scholarship
Bradley Dice
William Jewell College
SPS Leadership Scholarships
Brooke Adams
Florida Institute of Technology
Adam Anthony
Juniata College
Claire Baum
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Aditya Dhumuntarao
Arizona State University
Chloe Gooditis
Goucher College
P. Evan Linn
Grove City College
Angela Ludvigsen
University of Wisconsin-River Falls
Chris Marble
Tarleton State University
Ariel Matalon
University of Chicago
Gregory J. Ottino
University of New Mexico
Christopher Phenicie
University of Minnesota Twin Cities
Nathan Prins
Towson University
Stephanie Schneider
Susquehanna University
Hallie Stidham
High Point University
Phil Travis
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Herbert Levy Memorial Scholarship
Samantha Christine Cobb
William Jewell College
Future Teacher Scholarship
Kaydee Stratford
Utah State University
Peggy-Dixon Two-Year Scholarship
Cody Bibler
Chemeketa Community College
SPS/AAPT Mary Beth Monroe Memorial Scholarship
Jonathan Van Schenck
Seattle Pacific University
Science Systems and Applications, Inc. Academic Scholarship
Helen Meskhidze
Elon University
Science Systems and Applications, Inc. Underrepresented Student Scholarship
Kareem Wahid
University of Texas-Pan American
AWIS Kirsten R. Lorentzen Award
Claire M. Weaver
Hofstra University
Several awards of the three-volume set The Feynman Lectures on Physics are given each year to chapters or individuals that engage in physics outreach activities and share feedback from participants. Learn more at: www.spsnational.org/awards/blake-lilly
Cleveland State University
Project Leader: Christian Gunder
Faculty Advisor: Kiril Streletzky
Purdue University
Project Leader: Patrick Kelley
Faculty Advisor: Rachel Lang
The George Washington University
Project Leader: Srividya Murthy
Faculty Advisor: Gary White
University of Denver
Project Leader: Sierra Ashley
Faculty Advisor: Mark Siemens
University of Richmond
Project Leader: Katharine Domitrovich
Faculty Advisor: Con Beausang
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Project Leader: Louis Varriano
Faculty Advisor: Jon Levin
Thank you to the members of the 2014–15 SPS awards committees for dedicating many thoughtful hours to the award selection process.
Dave Dunlap, University of New Mexico
Brooke Haag, American River College, CA
Diane Jacobs, Eastern Michigan University
Dwight (Ed) Neuenschwander, Southern Nazarene University, OK
Willie Rockward, Morehouse College, GA
DJ Wagner, Grove City College, PA