Physicists and Their Cars
In this issue of The SPS Observer, Dwight “Ed” Neuenschwander explores the physics of the combustion engine.
He isn’t the first physicist to be enamored by the engine and the automobiles it makes possible. Here, Ed presents famous physicists of the past posing with some of their favorite pieces of equipment—their cars and motorcycles.

Enrico Fermi and his wife, Laura. The car appears to be a Fiat 514, model year ca. 1930. Photo courtesy of Argonne National Laboratory.

Melba Phillips sits at the wheel of Robert Oppenheimer’s car, which appears to be a 1929 Chrysler convertible coupe. The photographer must have been Robert, as he and Melba would go out to dinner together. Photo courtesy of AIP Emilio Segrè Visual Archives.

Paul Ehrenfest (LEFT) and Gerhard Dieke sit on the running board of a Ford Model A near Ann Arbor, Michigan. Model A’s were built between 1928 and 1932. Photo courtesy of the AIP Emilio Segrè Visual Archives, Goudsmit Collection.

Niels Bohr and his wife Margrethe ride George Gamow’s motorcycle at their summer home in Tisvilde, Denmark.
Gamow (or his wife, Barbara; I have heard of both) wrote a poem about George lending Niels his motorcycle. The last lines had Rutherford bellowing at Gamow:
“He thundered: ‘Gamow! If once more
You give that buggy to Niels Bohr
To snarl up traffic with, or wreck,
I swear I’ll break your bloody neck!’”

Robert Oppenheimer (left) and Ernest Lawrence at Oppenheimer’s New Mexico ranch, Perro Caliente (
Photo courtesy of AIP Emilio Segrè Visual Archives, Uhlenbeck Collection.