An SPS Community Update

Austin Peay State University students and staff observe the partial solar eclipse.
Austin Peay State University.
I have been in the role of SPS and Sigma Pi Sigma director for almost one year. And in that time while some external factors have changed, what has not is that I grow in awe every single day because of what I see in our community. I continue to be inspired by the work being done by our volunteers who are working diligently to make sure that our societies thrive and play an important role in the journeys of undergraduate students across the country.
Buoyed by my experiences over the last year, I write this message to remind you of the commitments our two societies have to supporting all our members.
First and foremost, we are committed to nurturing a welcoming and empowering community. Positive interactions with those we meet are critical to our personal and professional growth. At SPS National, we continue to work arduously to bring you closer to each other and for you to leverage each other’s passion for our scientific interests.
Secondly, we are committed to catalyzing the conditions for you to be met where you are. We are focused on working to ensure opportunities are available to you to achieve your goals and for you, whoever you are, to become a “physical scientist or astronomer” notwithstanding the curve balls the external world throws at us from time to time.
Our community has existed for over 100 years. Our mission is clear; SPS and Sigma Pi Sigma exist to help students transform themselves into contributing members of the professional community. We remain steadfastly committed to this mission and we need your support to scale and strengthen our delivery of scholarships, internships in diverse professional sectors, leadership workshops, and countless opportunities to do science early in the undergraduate journey. Your participation in this community will help make resilient this mission and our vision for a welcoming community filled with opportunity, so that we can continue to catalyze student success in higher education, the workforce, and society.
Thank you for being part of this community and for your endless support and work,