Physics and Astronomy Congress

Sigma Pi Sigma’s Physics and Astronomy Congress

The Physics and Astronomy Congress is the largest gathering of undergraduate physics and astronomy students in the world. Every three years, it brings together physics students, alumni, and faculty members for three days of frontier physics, workshops, networking, and fun. The event is supported by the American Institute of Physics and hosted by Sigma Pi Sigma, the physics and astronomy honor society. Anyone interested in physics and astronomy is invited to attend!

Unique Opportunities

Bond with fellow physics and astronomy students from across the United States and beyond. Explore graduate programs, summer research opportunities, and career options. Meet renowned physicists and tour labs at the forefront of science and technology. Grow professionally through workshops on communication, inclusion, and leadership. Expand your understanding of physics and astronomy and their applications. Present research to fellow students and potential graduate school advisers and employers.

An Inclusive Community

The 2025 Sigma Pi Sigma Physics and Astronomy Congress is expected to bring 1,300 students, mentors, alumni, and renowned scientists to Denver, Colorado, for a life-changing experience. We aspire to foster an inclusive and supportive community for all physicists and astronomers, at the Congress and beyond. Help make Congress a positive experience for everyone by following our Code of Coduct, which is built on open communication, professionalism, and respect.

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PhysCon 2022 Events
PhysCon 2022 Events
PhysCon 2022 Events
PhysCon 2022 Events