Kiril Streletzky
Current Positions
Dr. Streletzky (a.k.a. Dr. S) holds BS in Physics from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (Moscow, Russia) and PhD in Physics from Worcester Polytechnic Institute (Worcester, MA). He is a Professor of Physics and Affiliated Faculty of Chemical/Biomedical Engineering at Cleveland State University (CSU).
Dr. S runs an interdisciplinary light scattering lab studying structure and dynamics of soft-matter systems. He is a strong believer in the great educational value of undergraduate research, having mentored 60+ undergraduates - efforts supported by $1.1M+ in funding, including two NSF awards to Dr. S to establish and run the first ever Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) site at CSU/Physics. His research with undergraduates has resulted in 14 peer-reviewed publications and 3 manuscripts coauthored by 21 undergraduates and 83+ published abstracts with 40+ different undergraduates. At least 20 students from Dr.S’s lab continued into research as PhD students, postdocs, faculty, research scientists for government and industry, and medical physicists. As a faculty advisor to the Choose Ohio First program and to the CSU chapter of the Society of Physics Students (SPS), Dr. S supports the development of undergraduate researchers by offering a multitude of research opportunities in his lab and by organizing student seminars/conferences, professional development events, and trips to conferences/research centers.
Dr. S is passionate about teaching physics, in particular, through an experiment. His contributions to physics education were recognized by several awards including 2009 Jearl D. Walker Outstanding Teaching Award. In 2015 Dr. Streletzky received the SPS Outstanding Chapter Advisor Award recognizing his contributions to reviving a vibrant SPS chapter at CSU, establishing student-led Physics Friday’s outreach program, providing leadership opportunities to many physics’ majors/minors through SPS, and promoting undergraduate research.
SPS President Nominee Local/Regional Involvement: Dr. Streletzky has served as CSU’s SPS faculty advisor since 2005, working closely with more than 30 student leaders to build an SPS-centered community. Together they have made CSU SPS a vibrant chapter that organizes bi-monthly seminars, hosts fun university-wide events (e.g. Physics Olympics, Physics Jeopardy, Catapult Contests), tours local research institutions of Northeastern Ohio, and maintains an active physics outreach on campus and at a public K-8 school (monthly Physics Fridays program). Dr. S has helped to connect CSU students to regional SPS chapters by chaperoning them to numerous Zone 7 meetings and by hosting two Zone 7 meetings at CSU (Fall 05, Fall 15). Dr. S has promoted undergraduate research by: advising student research projects; hosting student research seminars; hosting and advertising summer research programs; establishing departmental research awards; fundraising for student travel; chaperoning students to conferences; coaching students to prepare award-winning posters; and presenting on the pedagogical role of undergraduate research. In 2018 Dr. S helped to revive 46-years-dormant CSU chapter of the Sigma Pi Sigma and instituted annual Sigma Pi Sigma inductions.
SPS Presidential National Involvement: CSU’s SPS chapter under the leadership of Dr. Streletzky won ten Marsh W. White, two Blake Lilly, and Future Faces of Physics Awards for its outreach. The chapter was recognized by two SPS Chapter Reporter Awards, three SPS student Reporter Awards, SPS Chapter Research Award, Sigma Pi Sigma Chapter Project Award, 35+ SPS Travel Awards, and 11 consecutive Outstanding SPS Chapter Awards. Dr. S spearheaded the fundraising and led two CSU student delegations to Physics Congresses in 2016 (10 students) and in 2019 (7 students). He is a regular judge at the Undergraduate Research sessions at the annual APS March Meeting.
SPS Presidential Experience: Dr. Streletzky was elected twice to the SPS National Council as Zone 7 Councilor. In this role he oversaw the academic, research, and social achievements of ~80 SPS Zone 7 chapters and worked on increasing student participation in SPS by overseeing the organization of yearly Zone meetings and advocating for joint meetings of SPS and regional APS. Dr. S lobbied for support of undergraduate research through SPS and served on student-led committees on Governance, Awards, and Engagement. He volunteered at the PhysCon meetings and is serving on the Tours Committee for the 2022 PhysCon.